Wordpress Upgrades - Protect Your Site

You may well have heard all the buzz online about the attacks on WordPress security. Unfortunately this is no joke, and it needs to be taken very seriously, or all you've built could be hijacked or worse, lost to you.

Let me shoot a scare tactics your way since scare tactics appear to be what compels some people to take fix wordpress malware plugin a bit more seriously, or at the very least start thinking about the issue.

It will start with the basics. Attempt to use passwords. Use numbers, letters, special characters, and spaces and combine them to create a special password. You can use.

Move your wp-config.php file up one directory from the WordPress root. WordPress will look for it if it can't be found in the root directory. Additionally, nobody else will have the ability to read the document unless they've SSH or FTP access.

All-Rounder safety plug-ins can be considered as a complete security checker. They provide you with information concerning the weaknesses of the website and scan and check the website.

The plugin should be regularly updated have WordPress, play nice with of your other plugins and to stay current with the latest WordPress release and restore capabilities. The ability to clone your website (along with regular copies ) can be useful if you ever need to do an offline website redesign, among other great site things.

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